Power resistors are the most commonly used passive components in power electronics. Markel offers a wide range of resistors for various applications. We can provide any power resistor-based solution, from braking resistors and highvoltage resistors to low induction resistors as well as cement and enamel-coated resistors. Moreover, we can design custom resistor sets provided with air or liquid cooling.

List of products:

Rezystory mocy niskoindukcyjne
Non-inductive power resistors
Power rating 300 – 2000 W
Resistance 0.1 -1 MΩ
Tolerance ±0.5%, ±1%, ±5%, ±10%
Rezystory emaliowane
Vitreous Enamelled Resistors
Power rating 8 – 500 W
Resistance 1 -30 kΩ
Tolerance ±1%, ±5%, ±10%
Type Fixed
Rezystory ceramiczne
Cement Coated Resistors
Power Rating 15 – 20 kW
Resistance 0.01 -100 kΩ
Tolerance ±0.1%, ±0.5%, ±1%, ±5%, ±10%
Type Fixed
Rezystory w obudowie aluminiowej
Aluminum Housed Resistors
Power Rating 5 – 500 W
Resistance 0.01 -100 kΩ
Tolerance ±0.1%, ±0.5%, ±1%, ±5%, ±10%
Type Standard

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